Workout of the Day: Saturday March 16



EMOM x 12: 

Min 1: Strict Press: 2.2, rest 20 sec between doubles - build each set to heavy cluster for the day
Min 2: Single arm DB S2O: 8-10 reps/side
Min 3: Hanging L-Hold: Max time Accumulated in 30 sec
Min 4: Rest

Score= Weight on the barbell


Work: Rest - Level 1

As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 20 minutes:

15 Wall Ball Shots @ 20/14 lbs
12 Dumbbell Alternating Power Snatches @ 50/35 lbs
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups


Work: Rest - Level 2

20 minute AMRAP: 

15 wall ball 14/10lb
12 alternating DB snatch 35/20lb 
9 chin over bar pull ups

*Level 3: 
Sub Pull Ups for Ring Rows or Jumping Pull Ups
Brandon Farmer